Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Resolutions Shmesolutions.

To someone who "sort of" knows me, the thought of me titling a blog "Zen-Mama" wouldn't be too surprising.  My last two vacations were at a yoga retreat, I haven't eaten meat since I was 24, and my 18 month old, Isla (who somehow made it into this world naturally), has never had formula, let alone a cookie or a chicken nugget.  I try to know about what's toxic and avoid it.  Good luck though, living in New Jersey.

Someone who REALLY knows me, however, would probably see a good deal of irony in me even hinting at something titled Zen Anything.  Especially if they were wacthing me type this right now-while making pancakes, drinking coffee out of a 24 ounce cup, and  having a dance party surrounded by 12 furry books about whether or not lions are ticklish, by the light of the Christmas tree.  In January.  Wearing one of three outfits that has fit me since Isla was born. (Outfit being a relative term...I just went out in it, and it sort of fits.)

Big changes are obviously needed here.  Big, annoying, tiring, time consuming, and most likely expensive changes.  While the ball was dropping on New Years Eve, well, I was asleep.   I've never really been one for New Year's Resolutions.  Or Goals.  Or intentions.  People seem to call them all sorts of things these days, but no one ever calls them what they really are: things people tell themselves to make it seem like this year will be less annoying than the last one. Let's just say that my epiphany coincided with the new year.  Coincidently.  Here goes: I'm going to get healthy and have fun.  And hopefully have fun getting healthy.

Clearly, weight loss is needed.  My downward dog is a bad scene. Yoga is a total disaster when you're fidgeting the whole time trying to make sure that your shirt is covering your butt.  The good news is that I lost 6 pounds before Christmas thanks to a week of diligent "point counting."  To be followed by a week of diligent face stuffing (where I found them).  A wash, and a success as far as I'm concerned.  I'm back on the wagon now, without having to worry about the 5 extra pounds I gained during the holidays.

It's also sort of helpful that I'm engaged to evil knevil; a motorcycle riding, surfing, mountain biking, snow boarding, running, ice skating, Tough Mudder, (google that one for a laugh) lunatic.  Isla can't be far behind, and I want to be the fun mom who can keep up with her. She already jumps off of anything we let her.  Okay, so far that only consists of a welcome mat and a two inch step in my parents' kitchen.  But trust me, I'm in for it with that kid.

I know I can do this.  I'm on the path.  For the time being, though, if you run into me at a yoga class, you may want to put your mat anywhere but behind mine.

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