Monday, February 25, 2013

Boogie Nights

Last Sunday, after a few years of planning, and a false start in November (thanks Sandy), we finally got married.  People keep asking me how it feels.  Although I'm sure the question is rhetorical, I have an answer.  It feels like pneumonia, and it sounds like mucus, but we are happy. Really happy.

I've always prided myself on a natural approach to keeping our family healthy.  Our house is always stocked with fresh fruits and veggies and essential oils. We try our best to avoid overly processed foods.  I don't let people touch my pen at work.  Any other week, I think we could have thwarted this illness.  The week of the wedding, though, my "a" game went to the wedding details instead.  I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, but I still think this may have been avoidable.
Our two year old, Isla, was the first victim. It started the week before the wedding, and seemed to be on its way out by the wedding day.  Good luck being a healthy bride when you are sleeping with a two year old who is spraying you with phlegm as you sleep.  And by "as you sleep" I mean "as you sit awake holding her upright so she can sleep." Miraculously, at the wedding, I seemed to be fine.  But the sickness was already in the mail.  You get the picture. We aren't receiving a ton of post-wedding visitors.
Then there is the matter of "the diet." When our wedding got postponed after Hurricane Sandy in November, I decided it was a sign. The universe was telling me that no one should be in a strapless dress with flobbity arms. It took a few weeks to get the hang of it, but with the help of the appropriately titled "Insanity Workout", and an app on my phone called "My Fitness Pal" I was off and running. I was even somehow able to tell TJ to stop bringing me Cadbury Creme eggs after work (an act which classified him as the best fiance EVER.) When Isla got sick, though, the last thing I had energy for was jumping around like a psychopath in my living room and cooking intricate meals. Plus, guess who got to take home the leftover cupcakes from the wedding?  This girl.

So, here we are. Honeymoon; day eight. Isla seems to be getting better. As the mommy, I don't really have a I guess I'm feeling better too.  Now we just have to make sure TJ doesn't catch our Lung Ninja. Today we are segueing back into healthy actions; making a healthy shopping list and meal plan and going for a walk before the weather goes south again.  If I have the energy, I will go to the food store and cook dinner. Tomorrow (with  little sleep and a little luck) it's game on.