Sunday, January 15, 2012

Let's Get Quantam Physical

You can only be so interested in the power of positive thinking before the movie "The Secret" ends up in your Netflix queue.  The first time you watch it, you will have yourself convinced that one day you will be cashing a postdated check that you've written to yourself in the amount of $1,000,000.00.  By the time you've read the book, you will be sure that it was your negative attitude that caused the accident, that caused the traffic, that made you late for work.  (Even if you were still in your kitchen when it happened.)

OK. I was having a bad day.  From what I learned during my brief stint as a quantam physics expert, it was my own fault.  The words "this is going to be a bad day" were only present in my mind for a brief second as I opened the cabinet door.  My favorite coffee cup launched itself out of the cabinet, taking down two wine glasses, before they were all comingled in a sad pile at the bottom of my sink.

Did I break all three glasses with my crappy attitude?  Did I will the wine glasses broken because they were a bad ju-ju gift that made me cringe with every sip of shiraz?  Not sure.  But I do know that the "bad day" bell is really hard to unring.  So, I tried to be positive.  "It's not going to be a bad day." Enter the second rule of quantam physics: The universe hears everything in the affirmative.  The "not" is useless.  You do the math.  Has anyone seen my keys??? And so the frantic search for my keys began. "Good day good day good day good day." I found my keys, but was more than a little afraid to use them. "I should probably just go back to bed." But I went shopping anyway.

As I chipped away at my to do list, I thought "things are looking up!" I was getting stuff done, and my mom was going to watch Isla for a little while as I cleaned up the house. "This isn't such a bad day after all"  I thought as I emptied the car in a mad rush to get Isla over to B's.  (That is what Isla calls her grandmother, and who am I to argue with an 18 month old.) Uh oh. I'm pretty sure I just said "bad day" again.  At that moment, I spilled an entire bag of quinoa on my living room floor.  The cat didn't seem to be too upset by this.  Why would she be? A second, more accessible litter box was long overdue in our house.

If I went on to tell you about the very large, very hot cup of tea that I dropped in my lap, or how I spent 20 minutes waiting for TJ in the parking lot of Enterprise Rental Car (two towns away from the Enterprise where I was supposed to be picking him up) you would think I was exaggerating.  Nope.  Or how Isla (who was asleep by 8:00 in the car) was awake again at 10:30 when I finally decided to call it quits on the day.

At least it's tomorrow.  So, I'm a little tired.  So what?  Nothing that happened was life threatening. What is the lesson that I learned from all of this?  In the same way that I cause enormous, traffic inducing accidents with the sheer force of my words "I hope I'm not late", I'm going to think everything that happened yesterday was my doing.  Afterall, I can buy new a new coffee cup and wine glasses when I cash my $1,000,000.00 check.

1 comment:

  1. When I read, "The Secret" I totally tried to will money into my mailbox. It worked a few times. Of course, I did just invoice a bunch of clients a few weeks before.
    Best of luck with the blog - I'll be back!
